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Love and Logistics: Practical Tips for Couples Moving In Together

Fri 14th February 2025
Love And Logistics Practical Tips For Couples Moving In Together

As you prepare to take the exciting step of moving in together, there are a few practical and legal considerations to keep in mind. It’s not just about picking out new cushions and deciding who gets the best side of the sofa—there are some important details to iron out. But don’t worry, we’re here to make it all a little easier.

Two of Everything: What Stays and What Goes?

You’ve got two toasters, two kettles, and maybe even a couple of identical coffee tables. Rather than creating an obstacle course of duplicate items, take the time to sort through everything together. What do you really need? What can be donated or sold? And for those things you just can’t part with (but don’t have room for), self-storage could be a great solution.

The Money Talk

Not the most thrilling part of moving in together, but definitely one of the most important! How will you split the bills? Will you keep separate accounts, or pool some of your money together for shared expenses? Having an open chat about finances now can help avoid any awkward surprises later (like discovering someone has a secret takeaway habit!).

Learning Each Other’s Living Habits

You love each other, but living together means discovering all the little quirks you might not have noticed before. Whether it’s an ‘organised chaos’ approach to laundry or an unexpected love of midnight snacks, adjusting to each other’s habits takes patience, humour, and maybe a few friendly ground rules.

Legal Considerations: What You Need to Know

Now, here’s something many couples don’t realise—there’s no such thing as ‘common law marriage’ in the UK. So even if you live together for years, you won’t have the same legal protections as a married couple. If one of you owns the home, the other won’t automatically have rights to it. Setting up a cohabitation agreement can help clarify who owns what and what happens if circumstances change (not the most romantic thing, but definitely a smart move!).

Planning for the Future

Moving in together is about more than just logistics—it’s a big step towards your future as a couple. Use this time to build a home that reflects both of you, establish fun traditions, and make exciting plans for what’s ahead. Whether that’s planning a wedding, saving for a home, or simply perfecting your weekend brunch routine, this is an exciting new chapter to enjoy together!

Now, go forth and conquer the world of shared wardrobes, joint grocery lists, and deciding whose Netflix account you’ll keep. You’ve got this!

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